Playroom 3: 2 to 3 years

Playroom Three provides care for children aged two to three years old with up to three educators. The open indoor play space has direct access to an engaging natural, outdoor environment.

The Early Years Learning Framework forms the basis of our educational program and focuses on:

  • Identity
  • Community
  • Well being
  • Learning
  • Communication

Weekly reflections share with parents the children’s interest and the story of play and learning. This along with individual portfolios give families an understanding of their child’s learning journey as it progresses. Families are always welcome to participate in their child’s learning and are encouraged to share ideas and provide input into the program.

Generally children in this age group become more independent and more interested in other children therefore educators focus on building the children’s skills to play and actively explore the environment. Also around this time children are keen to do more things for themselves and educators actively encourage children to develop their self help skills such as dressing themselves, washing their own hands, serving their own meals. Of course educators are close by to provide support and assistance where needed.

Many children in this room will begin toileting and educators work closely with families to ensure we have a consistent approach throughout this process. Educators patiently support and assist children through this stage of their development. Educators are experienced to offer guidance and support to parents in starting and continuing through this process.